百度 求小说网 有求必应! 玄坤异史记 https://www.qiuxiaoshuo.cc/read/ficsa/cmkkqkqa.html 全文阅读!求小说网,有求必应!
好歌推荐,《certain things》
歌手: james arthur
something about you
it"s like a addiction
hitwith your best shot honey
i"ve gotreasondoubt you
"cause some things hurt
and you"reonly virtue
and i"m virtually yours
and you keep ing back, ing back again
keep running round, running round, running roundhead
and there"s certain things that i adore
and there"s certain things that i ignore
but i"m certain that i"m yours
certain that i"m yours
certain that i"m yours
there"s something about you
it"s when you get angry
hold me, i saw mercy
and you"re like a shoulderturn to
if some things burn that"s when we"re hangingfor this life
we heldso tight
and you keep ing back, ing back again
keep running round, running round, running roundhead
and there"s certain things that i adore
and there"s certain things that i ignore
but i"m certain that i"m yours
certain that i"m yours (certain that i"m yours)
certain that i"m yours
and there"s certain things that i adore
and there"s certain things that i ignore
but i"m certain that i"m yours
certain that i"m yoursadore you)
certain that i"m yoursadore you)
i adore you, i adore you
i adore you, i adore you
certain that i"m yours
source: lyricfind 百度 求小说网 有求必应! 玄坤异史记 https://www.qiuxiaoshuo.cc/read/ficsa/cmkkqkqa.html 全文阅读!求小说网,有求必应!
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