百度 求小说网 有求必应! 重生洪荒之我成了燃灯老师 https://www.qiuxiaoshuo.cc/read/focfg/csaqkqga.html 全文阅读!求小说网,有求必应!
guang gzi suddenly swallowed the fruitnihility, the airhis bodyobviously different, a kindunrealfeeling appearedhis body,if heaveh arethe dark, nothing affect him.
“what a mysterious feeling!“
guanggzi was immersedthe ges after theof the fatethe nihilistiablepull outhimself.
hongmeng ilyside said, very satisfied.
hiroyuki"s roots were better thanhad imagined.
this nihilistic fruitthe fruit that grows from the rootthe spirit ohree realms, the five elements, the six cyclesrebirth,between heaveh.
guang gzi absorbed its power, not only the fate, iure, there are opportuo uhe true meaningfate.
“thanks a lothongmeng road friends!“
hiroshige, shirtless ithe body, the lower partthe body i spring, oe, very polite.
he ith ext.
he ast andfuture has o. from thenno one could calculate him, nor yoe him.
however, whetheris hongmeng free heaven ,the eed wuji.
what luo jinxiando, do.
“usurpatiofate, fruit for cause, show the source!“
whehe child"s fate flus, inally busy with the developmentdivine law, bing the lawheaveh wuji road suddenly opened his eyes, a ripass from his head flying out,the rivertimesend out a fatethe fd clouds, followed the wide into the child"s air.
gas transport, fate, siimes e.
a person"s luck level,will determiethis persoransph, the wheelfortuurnfavorthe persoransportlow, the person will suffer great misfortune.
ied that the big luo jinxiathe riverfate, simply blowing air.
jump outthe riverfate, theirbe disturbedany factors.
these faot only the loime around, disciples, gatekeepers, friendstaoism andon, but also qi, virtues, karma aors.
if the loeclassified,roughly divided ihe first levelthe former, the sed levelmerit, air trac.
eveuesthe air p out,most just jump outthe loe, p outthe sed level.
guang gzi swallowed the nihilistic fruitthe fate,some extent outthe trolthe fate, butwill stillaffectedthe karma.
at the beginning, must carry the taoist, from the prehistorisport, lht body died o, the wuji road with the door tas traurn without success.
layer upon layerpursuit, the forcefate that weak flus,to find the source.
hongmeng fortable daymove,moved, willexposedthe wuji zun snow eyes.
“the fatethe dark, folloel the mistfrontme, reveal the truththe fate!“
wuji roadthe same time outthe arms, siioo capture the two groupsdivie, again into the rivertime.
rumble! rumble!
ininstant, the p destiny sedainy brand, which broke the eime and spa instahe geable guang gzi.
at this moment, just when guang gzi opened his eyesged,didexisteiny"s brand.
the heaveing opposite the taoist queeh very puzzled.
“whatdaoyou doihe sonthe flowthe vely wipe outalso, why spend this energy?“
she " master the least g? how alla suddehe der the dark hand.
lai i hongmeng fortable heavennot a simpl fruit treedestiny, suchchaos spirit root aybe,has other people behin road has just doo make useguao subtly trafatehong meng zi"s body,asfind out whobehind the ses.“
the empressthe earth lookedthe wuji road, shook her head, now the wuji road, anding.
it"s a matterphilosophy.
before, wuji road ahe habitpressure, but now, two people are almostthe peakthe monastic road, wuji roadsuddenly ged, make her ued.
the riest said patiehe poor don"t want t problem that solve with fist, poor road solve with fist ly. but this oanding behind a godchaos.“
“tao friends may wishthihe the world, the existehe power, araw, repair alsoup.he had beenstupid,would notalive now.“
the empressthe earth"scalmed down.
itnot unonbe fused with spiritua opeh wlong planted a chaos spirit root with the powerhis owion.
qinglong tianjun aster the road oddess ainlyword.
however, the fatehongmengheaven wasperiodthe beast.
the fruit treedestiny was not givenqinglongtianjunnueople have the abilityretur, but must not find hongmeng iher, moreover,a g, g god.
where does the fruit treedestiny ?
ehe sky, even the holloere t yang mei was rei air them.
hardly any chaotic creature has escaped the terrible storm that has swept the worldhongmeng.
therea great possibility thatis the remnantthe demon godthe hongmeng, and hongmeng free heaven and the line.
“in this case, daoyou should even trycatch this persohe magi behind thegod, a.“
the empressthe landfullce, speaking very relaxed, without breath.
todaynot whatusedbe, shenow mixed yuanluo jinxian, has the qualifiwalk hongmen, there are mixed yuan daluojinshenzhangod willmany.
wuji road zun busy dissuade way:“the great disastering, road friendssitthe wilder emper mei fairy, are o deal wit friends also, when you kill the devil return, the world has beewee world and yangmei world?“
“in additioaoist didon would give hoo ation, thistoo low.“
empressthe earth this just er, sit back tinal position,to the lawheaveh.
“huh? hongmengheaven appeared!“
sittingthe palaceheavehe infinite road zu, the far norththe world, a modern ique atmospherethe red dust dispersed between heave the breath passeda flash and was soon gone.
in additionhongmeng sihe wuji road reallythinkthe sed person will ewith suique thing.
he lookedthe pasttime and space, wide i pieceaggrieved, blame the faature, lookthis widea small world, lookthe breathsmall world pletely disappear.
he didn"t make a move because"t find it!
he could see nloryany timeplace exory, and his traces were gone.
“pared with me, the great arained heavena real difference!“
the ier fell silent and paid ion.
he was very bus milliht noteo work overtimefinish whatwas doihe heavenly palaed.
in that way,mayablepush forward the third path ahe sed path.
it has been said above that there are two waysmixing tao and yuathe paththe sage, ing the wayheavehe sage, ahe alterhe sedthe pathdetat, abs the powerheaven and man, and taking away the greatest d effect with the earth.
however, the roadmade b thousand avenues, all mix the yuan,additionthe robbery, there mustanother way.
henot a followerthe people, walk their own ass the predecessors, otherwise,ly follow the aorsthe mysterious door and the empressthe earth eat ashes, even the backothers are not seen.
the beach, wide into the son and hongmeng fortable tianzun took off only the briefs, lying sidesidethe spowo people"s side, there are two hongmeng fortable tianzun with sand into a bikiy.
“ha!fortable, not having enjoyed life for huhousandsyears!“
guang with disheveled hair, wearing a sunshade glasses, very fortableenjoy the servicebikiy.
“down, down, past, middle, yes, yes!“
hongmeng wasan expressio minds thinki was obvious thatlived alone.
“yes! the primordial world mayimmortal, but lifeb. those beautiful women, suuand hou tu, would ratherins for hundredsmilliohan find a lover.“
“say somethingsuck too.“
“cut teaaies, you close water lou daitao get a month first, incredibly all did.“
said, hongmeng fortable with the outh outline a glanile.
“youhelp it, brother!““lookthis monkey, lookitnot like a person, appeara like a humaenitnot like is only a ohe geionstill, buthas beehe daluo jihise, peeps private people, whattheof keeping it?“
shen n eyes, seriously lookthe sonth versatioweeo put the facts, will truth, hardrefute.
macaques with six ears are a primitive sped are naturally i a. i has put its talentsdubious use.
peeping into people"s privacya taboo for all the great powers.
the luckthe six-earpeople was good, a ihe hag a ahunder law king andororip its skis spiritlight the sky lamp!
chixiao s, across the endless space,the wide iwo people.
“guang,you are wise, staythe kunlu are readystirtrouble a i.“ 百度 求小说网 有求必应! 重生洪荒之我成了燃灯老师 https://www.qiuxiaoshuo.cc/read/focfg/csaqkqga.html 全文阅读!求小说网,有求必应!
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